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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Internet Explorer 9


ome say

Microsoft is really pushing it’s every product very hard nowadays which is great for the company as well as for the end users. One such impact has been on the age old browser – Internet Explorer (aka IE). IE has always been one of the most widely used browsers globally. It still has the no. 1 market share in web browser usage all over. But, the fact is after IE6, Microsoft kind of neglected the browser. Did not innovate or improve it. That’s why people began to switch from IE to other alternatives like Firefox and Chrome. But, now Microsoft is back with the latest incarnation of IE i.e. IE9.

Key factors :

1. It’s clean.

2. It’s fast.

3. It seamlessly integrates with Windows 7.

4. It is beautiful.

So, let’s dive deep onto what Microsoft has to offer with Internet Explorer 9.

IE9 is a completely new browser. New look, better support. It has the best in class HTML5 support. Also, one of the features that has been emphasized is “hardware acceleration”. Hardware acceleration means that the browser takes advantage of the full power of your PC to make the web faster and sites shine. In my opinion, it does that. I did notice very significant performance improvements compared to some other browsers.

HTML5 is the future and it’s great to see that IE9 has great support for that.

Windows 7 integration. One of the best features of IE9 is that it allows users to “pin” websites to the Windows 7 taskbar. Most of the popular sites like Twitter, Facebook, Hotmail, Bing have been formatted for it and provide jumplists and notifications right on the taskbar. Pretty awesome feature. This makes the website seem kind of like a native app.

Here are some pictures of website pinning in IE9.



The site pinning feature is helping a lot. Users that pin read 34% more and stay 57% longer.

Jump lists support is pretty good for faster access to what users need.

Another sweet addition was the download manager. Pretty basic but works pretty well and looks nice. Finally! Smile

In addition, Microsoft has also bundled many elements like SmartScreen technology etc for a better and more secure web experience.

IE9 got downloaded over 2.35 million times in the first 24 hours. That means over 27 downloads every second. That’s a pretty impressive figure considering the fact that IE9 is only available for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users unlike Chrome & Firefox which are available on all platforms including Windows XP, Mac OS X, Chrome OS and Linux.

9 reasons why IE9 is the best browser for business according to Microsoft

1. Built for Performance.

2. Hardware acceleration.

3. Site-centric design.

4. Native to Windows.

5. More secure by default.

6. Easy to deploy.

7. Comprehensive management tools.

8. Compatibility and Migration support.

9. Support for modern standards. 

IE9 now has reached 3.6% usage share on Windows 7. Pretty impressive since it’s a fairly new browser.

With great support for modern standards, extremely elegant looks and functionality with a completely clean UI for a more immersive web experience, the ability to pin websites for quicker access with jumplists and notifications support, I think this is a pretty awesome browser. Give it a try folks, Tell us what you think about it. I guess Microsoft has done a pretty stellar job now. Smile

Here’s a short video you might want to watch.

Welcome to a more beautiful web–Internet Explorer 9

Also, you can check out how IE9 offers a better web experience than other browsers out there by going to the link down below. Give us your feedback folks. Smile

Click here to Unleash the "Beauty of the web" with Windows Internet Explorer 9


  1. Wow! Nice post and beautiful blog darling!

  2. Thank you! I really really appreciate your compliments. Thanks! :)
